Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Avoid The Most Common Mortgage Obstacles

How To Avoid The Most Common Mortgage Obstacles
Buying a home should be a rewarding and enjoyable process, but only if you're prepared and know how to avoid the most common home financing mistakes.

● Get pre-approved
Pre-approvals are one of the easiest ways for home buyers to start off on the right foot. A pre-approval takes very little time and helps buyers establish a maximum spending limit. With that information, they can shop with confidence knowing what they can offer on a property. It isn’t necessary to use the whole pre-approved amount.

● Know how long things take
Some steps in the home-buying process can’t be rushed and others need to be researched in advance. For example, you should have a real estate agent, lawyer and mortgage lender well in advance of making an offer. And some documentation may take time to gather and prepare.

● Know your options
There are lots of mortgages, each with unique features. Investigate alternatives ahead of time so you don’t have to make a rush decision later. The pre-approval meeting is usually a good time to gather information and start exploring options.

● Come prepared
Ask your mortgage representative for a list of all the documentation you’ll need and plan to get it well in advance. For example, you’ll need confirmation of your income and down payment, the MLS® listing and more. You will also need a copy of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale.

● Ask for a list of closing costs
Closing costs are all the legal and administrative charges that accompany any real estate transaction. The most common are lawyer’s fees and land transfer taxes. And in some cases, home buyers are asked to reimburse the seller for prepaid property taxes or other household expenses.
- Courtesy of TD Canada Trust

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